Tuesday, February 07, 2006

More Busy Days....

I pulled up my blog today and realized that it's been the better part of a week since I've updated anything....

As usual, things have been pretty busy here. The book party on Thursday night was a lot of fun. Bill gave me a copy of the book, but I haven't started reading it yet. (The book may have to wait until either Spring Break or summer because my regular semester reading is keeping me busy.) I don't really know what happened to the weekend; it just sort of disappeared. I got my house cleaned and did nearly all of my laundry, but I don't feel like I managed to accomplish mush else. Monday was Monday; I had class all day, but I did manage to sneak away to recess with a few friends. Today's shaping up to be a typical Tuesday....

Things have been all a mess here since the yucky meeting last Wednesday. Choice words, protest letters, and general manifestos have been circulating over the e-mail list-servs throughout the past week. I've ended up with at least three extra meetings this week as we're trying to find answers and resolve the whole mess without doing anything too drastic.

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