Monday, April 24, 2006


Wow, it's Monday and I haven't blogged since Tuesday. I guess that happens at the end of the semester. Anyway, today's our last day of classes here. Tuesday and Wednesday are reading days, and then exams start on Thursday. It's kinda crazy that the semester's over already. (And what's really crazy is that this is/was my last semester of course work. Now it's time to start preparing for qualifying exams....) Actually, I have to finish out this semester before I start worrying about the next semester. My 'pages remaining' count is 14, and I have two exams yet this semester.

Well, the last week was pretty crazy, but I don't think I'll try to do much catching up on my blog. I went to a fairly formal banquet for church on Wednesday, and then there was a very non-formal so-called banquet for the department on Friday. I went to one of the art museums yesterday and got to see a wonderful collection of Pre-Raphaelite art. I'll probably try to go back again sometime this week to take some more time to go through and really look at the pieces.

Anyway, I think it's time for me to go home and catch up on sleep....


Anonymous said...

Well, good luck on your finals and papers. lt

ginabnina said...

Thanks LT. This time of the semester is always stressful and generally not fun. (I just keep reminding myself 'it's my last semester of coursework, it's my last semester of coursework.')