Sunday, June 25, 2006

Hmmm, Summer....

The summer class that I'm teaching ended last week, so now I get to have my summer break. (I still have a few papers to grade and things like that, but everything will be finished by Monday.) I haven't had much luck in finding gainful employment for the rest of the summer, so I'll probably end up doing some volunteer work and attempting to keep myself busy. (I've been in contact with a temp agency; we'll see how that expectations.) I do have a lot of reading and studying that I need to be doing this summer, but I always have trouble motivating myself to do school-type work during the summer. I've read a few fun books so far this summer, but I need to settle in and do some serious reading. I also have a paper that I need to revise for a conference later this summer (more details about that will follow at a later date). I also need to work on my Spanish a bit more -- no hablo espanol bien.

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