Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Condensing Class (Again...)

Ahhh, my summer class started yesterday. I had 6 students in class, and I think I might be adding another 1 or 2 before tomorrow. While it's a small class, it's pretty average as summer writing classes go, or so I've heard....

Anyway, I was very proud of myself because I managed to condense a full 16 week course into a mere 12 class periods without cutting too many assignments and compromising the integrity of the course and without overburdening my students and causing them undue stress. While I was reveling in my accomplishment, I looked at the calendar and realized that one of the Mondays is Memorial Day; thus I now need to revisit my schedule and attempt to squeeze everything into 11 days instead of 12. I guess that's my task for tonight....

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