Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Words, words, words....

Still generally unmotivated to do any real work....

While I probably should have been working, I spent several hours last night playing Scrabble with my boyfriend. We had fun, but we got a little too competitive. (I still need to check and see if 'il,' 'ye,' 'meshing,' 'devile,' 'quib,' and 'taxe' are words. All of the above were challenged and most were removed from the board as we didn't have a dictionary on hand. A pair of graduate students without a dictionary--pathetic, I know.) I graded a few papers after we finished our games, but I didn't work as late as I probably should have.

Similarly, I was a lazy bum this morning. I read the papers (and thus feel like I'm quasi-informed of the events going on in the vast world around me) and worked on random little projects. The task for the remainder of the afternoon and the evening (preferably before my night class tonight) is to finish grading papers and finish re-reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn so I'm prepared for class tomorrow. Always pages to read, pages to grade, and pages to write....

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