Saturday, June 21, 2008

Tucker and the Sand Cricket

Tucker, our darling kitty (now technically a cat), is a mighty hunter of bugs. He stalks flies, spiders, crickets, and just about any other bug that manages to make its way into the house. Among his favorite bugs are sand crickets (a terrible mutant creature that's not really a cricket at all but looks like the worst possible cross between a large spider and a grasshopper). Anyway, a few days ago I found a sand cricket in my closet, and, using a bug-killing stratgey borrowed from my brother, I grabbed the dust-buster and vacuumed up the mutant creature. I set the dust-buster on the floor in the bathroom and promptly forgot about the whole episode. The next evening, I heard strange noises coming from the bathroom. When I went to check things out, I found Tucker pushing the dust-buster all around the bathroom floor, trying to figure out how to get to the still-alive sand cricket. When he decided that the cricket was stuck, he pulled back the area rug in front of the sink and attempted to hide the entire dust-buster under the rug. (Tucker has always stashed things under the little bathroom and kitchen rugs; it's not unusual for me to find coins, kitty treats, elastic hair ties,and bug parts under the little kitchen and bathroom rugs.) Anyway, he wasn't able to make the dust-buster disappear, but the whole thing was quite amusing....


Unknown said...

Our cat Socks has discovered the love of bug chasing also....though she's never seen a sand cricket I'm sure she could get into trouble while chasing one.

Enjoyed your pictures....Lily packed for camp, very cute.

Have a great week. LT

Anonymous said...

Next time, try your sister's "bug-fix". (Works best for bugs in the bathroom where there are usually no weapons) Spray it good with hairspray!!!

ginabnina said...

LB - Given that I don't own a can of hairspray, I think I'll have to stick with our brother's solution to bugs....