Monday, October 29, 2007

Coffee Shop Required

I've come to the conclusion that I cannot survive in a town without a coffee shop. (And I don't even drink coffee.) Anyway, coffee shops are essential because they provide free wireless internet, tea, and typically a relatively quite place to relax or study. I just realized that I've lived in towns/cities with coffee shops for almost 10 years, and I think they've become an essential part of life. I can function without coffee, but don't take away my coffee shop!!


Anonymous said...

I suffered culture shock when I moved to a place where only the hotels provide this service. To survive I now keep my own stash of coffe, tea and other hot drinks, as well as I went in with my neighbor on the internet. Ah the luxuries.

ginabnina said...

JT -- Are you sure there's no coffee shop in DC? I would suspect there is, as I know there's at least one in GC.

Even though there are several coffee shops within a 10 mi raduis of the house, I still keep my own tea on hand at home.